Building can be an expensive and time consuming process. It therefore makes sense that you get value for money and save some of you hard earned cash from start to finish. It might appear when you start the planning of your project that getting the least expensive unqualified person to provide architectural services might be the most economical route. However rarely is that true. While draughts-person have a key role in the construction industry, most have not undertaken rigorous architectural studies in architectural design, construction methods, planning and project management to tertiary level.
Registered Architects require a Bachelor's Level Degree and Post Graduate Diploma or Master's Degree in Architecture. Most will have had to work under the supervision of Registered Architect for two years and in some countries, pass a final Professional Practise Examination. This takes about 7 years of hard study. But most Architects love what they do and are passionate about Design and the Problem solving process.
Architects don't just take instructions and "draw plans". They help the client formulate a careful brief by collaborating with him/her to identify their spatial requirements, help set a budget, investigate possible design alternatives, carefully moulding a building to the contours and environment of the chosen land. They look at ways to tailor the building to the client's budget and produce a building design in concept that delights and says something about the client and their world view. Architects also eventually produce detailed construction drawings that form part of the submission package for Planning and Building Construction approvals from the Planning Office.
Quality Architect designed buildings hold value better and are resale at higher prices.
Architects fees may be a higher initial cost than finding a "man who can draw a plan for you". But in the end good planning and design saves money in the long run and hold their value longer.
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